Thursday, August 28, 2014

Class is underway

The first two weeks of class are almost complete, and we get a bit of a break with the Labor Day weekend to catch our breath, rest, and have some fun.  Now that you have settled into classes, this is a good time to connect with the myriad of student organizations on the WVU campus.  These help you to make new friends, meet people you would have never met, and in many cases help you  make a positive difference in the world.   To see all the possibilities, click HERE.   When Harless Center is up and running next  year, we hope to host religious organizations fairs and service organization fairs ONSITE so that you can find ways to connect with student and community organizations and serve the greater Morgantown community.  There will be a Harless Center Student Association that will help plan and lead events and activities and provide feedback about life in the complex.  

Friday, August 1, 2014

Progress continues!

The roof is going on, rooms are being framed in--the building is taking shape!